Friendly clanwar vs. <<//UrS//>>

29/08/2013 17:12

Friendly clanwar vs. <<//UrS//>>

25.08.2013 we have challenged the UnrealRiders clan (<<//UrS//>>)
We have lost 2 matches, but we won once!

Overall result

Overall result: <<//UrS//>> wins 2:1
Overall Caps: 20:14

But this clan war is "unofficial" because server was really laggy. Pings were up to 500ms so that's one of the reasons why we lost xD

These maps were chosen:

1st map. Nalitown. (EEF's choice)

2nd map. DukuCB3. (<<//UrS//>>'s choice)

3rd map - Control_LE (Mutual)

See the results below!

Good job, despite the lag! :)

Next time we will win :D

Special thanks to -=UP for let us train against them and to UrS for putting up a private clanwar server.

~Till next time!


[EEF] is recruiting!

20/05/2013 19:32
European Elite Force is recruiting! Want to join? Fill in the form at the ''Contact'' page or send...

Clanwar challenge form

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